This is a hypertext cookbook with a minimalist twist. The recipes themselves aren't necessarily simple, but the instructions have been written in a straight forward way and without any unnecessary fluff. Additionally, the book aims to follow a 'unix philosophy'. This means that instead of e.g. repeating the instructions for croutons every time they appear in a recipe, there is instead a stand-alone crouton recipe that can be linked from multiple places.
This site is maintained using python scripts which are available at the git repository linked above.
Since this cookbook is for personal use, all recipes are vegan.
Luke's Cookbook by Luke Gompertz is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You have permission to copy or share it, as well as adapt it for any purpose (including commercial) – provided you give adequate attribution and license your changes under the same permissions.
The code developed to maintain this website is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Later versions of the GNU General Public License do not apply. Further information is available at the git repository linked above.